Monday, February 7, 2011

-16C .....

... and another 8 inches of snow. blog has turned into a weather report.
It's hard to get motivated to do much else it seems when I'm having to spend hours shovelling and more hours trying to get readjusted to doing my exercise routine. I even opted out of doing my weights and most of my exercise routine today.  I figured I did enough weight lifting just scooping and shoving and tossing the white stuff.  The main piles are now over 4 feet deep at the corners of the property.

There is a skating rink under the snow where the alleyway meets the sidewalk....I sure hope the mailman or a dog walker or any other unsuspecting passerby doesn't have a nasty accident.... it's tough to know where to walk for safety's sake.   We had some lovely warm days...and then... pow!... pummeled by Mother Nature.  Temperatures plummeted and the snow flakes swirled.  Again.  This is a pretty big snow year compared to the past few.  Last year I hardly had to shovel at all.  And... snow shovels?  (they are really wide scoops .. but, we call them shovels.. I had Judi worried for a bit there..she thought I was only using a little shovel..hahhaha nope...) Somebody is getting rich on what I call planned obsolescence  ..worn one out already and it's only February.   We're not nearly out of the woods yet as far as snow is concerned around here.  Ridiculous.  Don't dare buy the kind that has a metal strip on the sharp edge either... if ya hit a bump in the sidewalk you could do yourself an injury midsection.... or wreck a wrist... forget that.  Too much uneven pavement or pavers to shovel.

The youngish male neighbour across the street has anger management issues.... there was a lot of swearing coming from his quarter.... even with his ancient mother out there.  What a wimp and lazy ass that guy is.  The 83 year old fella 3 houses over was out there shovelling.  Whistling.  Suck it up baby boy....

Another day or two of this... and the weatherman is talking about plus numbers once again.  Yo yo weather.  We are sort of used to it...but, still...each time it begins to melt and you can sort of see bare pavement in spots... it seems hopeful.  But, again...waaaay to early for any springtime stuff.

Good thing I did some shopping on the weekend....
tomorrow... baking...hahahha...that's the other thing about this blog.  It has become my second food blog.  Somewhere I must find an hour and do something cfrafty...hahahha...look at that will ya?  I even forget how to spell it!!

Just for that....I'm gonna show and tell my latest wonderful focaccia bread.
with spices, olives.... sun dried tomatoes... and ... hmmm... forget already what else...oh, yeh...a bit of cheese.  More on Mr. BV's side of the loaf than on mine....


Catherine said...

When the weather is so disagreeable, food is always a welcome pleasure! Lovely looking bread! mmmmm!
xo Catherine

Judi W. said...

Snow scoops instead of shovels - moves it faster! Even faster yet? 4 wheeler with a plow :)

One day it shall all melt and there will be lots more time to bake! Your bread looks mouthwatering!

Twiglet said...

I hope that snow goes soon - there is far too much! Now that bread looks sooooo delicious - I think we need the recipe please!

Perpetual Chocoholic said...

ditto here. Not quite as much snow though perhaps.

Anonymous said...

You definitely don't need to exercise after shovelling all that snow!!

Jennifer Rose said...

-16! o.0 forget that! I'm cold here at 0 :p i think they might take away my canadian citizenship, I can no longer stand the cold :p

lazy boy neighbour :/ meh, the young folk get lazier and lazier :p

Shashi Nayagam said...

Oooo that bread looks delicious! I know it is hard work trying to shift snow I have done it although we don't get as much snow as you. If you have back problems then it is hard work.
I have been trying to keep up with blogs. I find Google reader tiresome and just found out that bloglines are operating under another name now. I went into my account to transfer the feeds to the new one but it transfered only a handful so I have to go back and do it one by one darn.

Buttons Thoughts said...

Hey BumbleVee that looks so good. You always make me hungry. I don't have to much to say about snow right now I just got in. Spring sounds good. B

Susan said...

Hope your snow starts to slow down real soon.
Much better being inside chomping on that nice looking bread after all that shovelling ;-)